Articles from our Blog

The origins of new AI: data science, machine learning, and

Simple definition of Data Science, Machine Learning and Deep Learning. Machine Learning, or “Machine Learning,” is like teaching a computer to learn from experience. Imagine teaching

The New Way of Programming with AI: Software 3.0

Just over 5 years ago, Andrej Karpathy coined the term “Software 2.0” to refer to the new way of programming that arises with Machine Learning: instead

Keys to Creating an AI Startup

It has never been easier to create an AI startup. Today, we are at a turning point in the tech ecosystem. The availability of foundational large-scale

Will AI Replace or Change Your Job?

In March 2023, the investment bank Goldman Sachs released a report analyzing the impact AI will have on various professions within the U.S. economy. Below are

$900,000 a Year: The New AI Engineers.

New technological challenges give rise to new professions. Every time a new group of professionals emerges with a completely different background, speaking a different language, producing

Ethical and Legal Challenges of AI

Discrimination against Minorities. If AI is trained on biased data, it will produce biased results, potentially leading to discrimination against minorities or other groups. Examples of

Business Acceleration

Acceleration Services